Friday, July 19, 2013

"100 Degrees Until Halloween" Day 49 ~ Storm

I grew up in New Jersey and moved to Tucson in 1996 (a mere 23 year old in the arid desert).  I have forgotten what it is like to NOT see the whole sky and what it is like to NOT be able to pinpoint where in the city it is raining.  In NJ (and Maine and everywhere I've been on the East coast) it is just gray and cloudy, or it is not.  I was trying to see if my friend in DC (who, to my knowledge, has not been to southern AZ) "got" my post from Day 40 (Rain Cliff).  Today, while driving home, I saw another chance to document this western phenom.  I could see two storms from miles and miles away...and I don't care.  I love it.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, now I get it. This is entirely unlike the east coast.
